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超冷极性分子、不平衡拓扑系统、量子微波光子学、铁电斯格明子 | 本周物理讲座

   日期:2023-02-07     作者:admin    浏览:213    评论:0    
核心提示:我们如何理解宇宙? | 科学公开课‍1 Understanding and controlling the loss
我们如何理解宇宙? | 科学公开课‍

1   Understanding and controlling the loss of ultracold polar molecules

报告人:Dajun Wang,The Chinese University of Hong Kong





In recent years, the research direction of ultracold polar molecules has become one of the most actively studied in AMO physics. However, the loss observed for molecules with and without chemical reaction channels has been a major hurdle for further advancing the field. In this talk, I will review this issue and give our partial understanding to it together with the remaining question marks. I will also discuss ways to suppress the loss for a long-lived sample by showing some of our recent results.

2   Anomalous dynamics and associated phenomena in topological systems out of equilibrium

报告人: 孙孝奇,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign





In 1981, Nielsen and Ninomiya proved that chiral modes cannot emerge from a static lattice system without partners of opposite chirality. Even though the theorem was originally proved in the context of simulating weak interactions on a lattice, it is far more general and has profound implications across a broad range of problems. I will argue that non-equilibrium setup is necessary to circumvent the theorem and generate new topological phenomena in local lattice systems. Especially, I will discuss schemes to realize anomalous chiral dynamics and highlight the associated topological responses in periodically driven systems and non-Hermitian systems. In addition, I will further discuss a recent generalization of chirality that only exists in non-relativistic systems in two spatial dimensions and its experimental realization in topolectric circuits.


Dr. Xiaoqi Sun is currently a Gordon and Betty Moore Postdoctoral Scholar at the Institute for Condensed Matter Theory in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He completed his B.S. in physics at Tsinghua University, and his Ph.D. in physics at Stanford University. His current research interests involve topological phenomena out of equilibrium, dynamics and transport in quantum materials, and interdisciplinary studies at the intersection of many-body physics, machine learning and quantum information science.

3   PostPandemic Tool for Quantum Materials and vice-versa

报告人: Prof. Kenneth Burch,Boston College





Raman scattering, invented at the end of the last pandemic, can provide a wealth of information on the fractional, magnetic, lattice and charge excitations at the heart of quantum materials and devices. I will first discuss how Raman provides direct evidence for coupled phonon-electron fluids in topological semimetals, helping to explain their remarkable transport mobilities. Next I will discuss our recent discovery of the Axial Higgs Mode from the combination of quantum geometry and strong correlations in a topological semimetal. This demonstrates the power of Raman to reveal the vector properties of a low energy mode, heralds the discovery of the first unconventional charge density wave and multi-component symmetry breaking transition. Time permitting I will discuss our efforts to use quantum materials in nano devices, including modulation doping with RuCl3 and biosensing with graphene.


Kenneth Burch has been a Professor of Physics at Boston College since 2014, running the Laboratory for Assembly and Spectroscopy of Emergence (LASE). Before arriving at BC, he was an assistant professor at the U. of Toronto for 5 years. He is a former Director’s fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory, where he performed ultrafast spectroscopy with A. Taylor, and was a graduate student of D. Basov studying the optical properties of magnetic materials at UCSD. He has made seminal contributions to the development of novel techniques to understand and exploit quantum materials. This includes discovering the Axial Higgs Mode in a Charge Density Wave, the colossal bulk photovoltaic effect in a Weyl semimetal, modulation doping in 2D materials, fractional spin excitations in a potential Kitaev spin liquid, and he developed cutting-edge biosensors based on graphene. His group also developed a cleanroom in a glovebox where all fabrication and heterostructure preparation is performed. For his work, he was named an APS fellow, received the Lee-Asheroff-Riuchardson Prize, and the APS GMAG best dissertation award. The work also resulted in over 90 publications in high-impact journals, including: Nature, Advanced Materials, Nature Materials, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Physical Review X, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, multiple patents, and is supported by NIH, NSF, DOE, ONR, AFOSR, ARO, BARDA, GRIP molecular and GINER Inc.

4   面向超导量子网络的量子微波光子学




会议 链接: https://www.koushare.com/lives/room/284428

摘要: 过去的几十年里,量子科学与技术在不同的体系中得到飞速的发展,包括原子,离子以及超导量子电路。量子光学网络在量子通信,量子计算和量子测量等方向有着很多潜在应用。这其中,因为光与微波巨大的频率差异,微波超导电路的光量子网络,面临着很多挑战。本报告将介绍超导量子光学网络的进展,以及一个崭新的学科方向 – 量子微波光子学。报告将展开介绍基于量子电光系统的一系列工作,包括光与微波的量子转换,超导电路的光学相干控制和读取,以及光与微波的量子纠缠。

报告人简介 邱柳,博士后研究员, 奥地利科学与技术研究所,长期从事量子光子学的研究,包括量子测量,量子光力学,量子微波光子学,以及硅基光子学。2020年于瑞士洛桑联邦理工(EPFL)Prof. Tobias Kippenberg组获得物理学博士学位。在量子光力学领域,对光力晶体的标准量子极限下量子测量做出过系统性的工作,包括激光冷却,量子非破坏性测量,量子压缩,量子反馈以及Floquet调制。目前主要研究方向包括量子微波光子学,以及超导量子光学网络。

5   Stress Driven Phase Transformations in Strong metals

报告人: David J. Srolovitz,香港大学

时间: 2月10日( 五) 15:00

单位:Materials Futures

会议链接: https://www.koushare.com/live‍s/room/844889


Phase transformations may be driven by the application of stresses in many materials; this has been especially well-documented for pressure driven transformations. Recent advances in strengthening metals allow for the application of very large shear stresses as well – opening up vast new regions of stress space. This means that the stress space is six-dimensional (rather than one for pressure) and that phase transformations depend upon crystal/grain orientation. We propose a novel approach for predicting the role of the entire stress tensor on phase transformations in grains of all orientations in any material. This multiscale approach is density functional theory based and guided by nonlinear elasticity. We focus on stress tensor-dependent phase transformations in iron at high pressure and ultra-fine grained nickel and titanium. The results are quantitatively consistent with a range of experimental observations in these disparate systems. This approach enables the balanced design of high strength-high ductility materials.


David J. Srolovitz is the Dean of Engineering and the Chair in Materials Theory at the University of Hong Kong. He is the author of over 500 papers on topics in materials theory and simulation ranging from crystal defects, microstructure evolution, deformation, and growth processes and has an H-index of 105. Srolovitz is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering, fellow of many learned societies, and the winner of the Materials Research Society’s Materials Theory Award. Prior to joining the University of Hong Kong, he was Chair of Materials Science at the City University of Hong Kong, Professor of Materials Science and of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering and Applied & Computational Mathematics at Princeton University, Professor of Materials Science & Engineering and Applied Physics at the University of Michigan, and Professor of Physics at Yeshiva University.  He also served as the Executive Director of the Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR in Singapore and was on the staffs of Los Alamos National Laboratory (Theoretical Division) and Exxon Corporate Research (metallurgy).  He is one of the world’s most highly cited researchers in materials theory and simulation.

6   铁电斯格明子的相场模拟


时间:2月10日(周五) 15:30

单位:Materials Futures

会议链接: https://www.koushare.com/live‍s/room/844889




洪子健博士2010年本科毕业于浙江大学材料系,2012年硕士毕业于清华大学材料系,2017年博士毕业于美国宾州州立大学,导师为陈龙庆教授。2017-2020年在美国卡内基梅隆大学机械系从事博士后研究。2020年8月起任职于浙江大学材料学院,受聘为“百人计划”研究员。洪子健研究员主要从事计算材料学方面的研究,具体研究领域包括相场模拟、第一性原理计算、机器学习等,具体应用方向为金属基电池和铁电、压电材料等的设计。迄今为止发表论文40余篇,引用2000余次。其中主要作者文章包括3篇Nature, 3篇Nature Materials, 1篇Matter等。现主持包括国家自然科学基金委面上项目在内的国家和省级基金项目3项。受邀到多个高校和会议做邀请报告,包括加州大学伯克利分校、马里兰大学和纽约州立大学布法罗分校机械工程系等。

7   微腔极化激元的自旋光子学




会议链接: https://www.koushare.co‍m/lives/room/039817




李峰,西安交通大学教授、博士生导师,西安交通大学电信学部宽禁带半导体与量子器件研究所副所长,2008年至2017年先后在加拿大麦吉尔大学、法国国家科研中心、英国谢菲尔德大学学习和工作,入选国家级青年人才项目。主要研究方向为光学微腔及光学微纳结构中的光与物质相互作用、自旋轨道耦合、拓扑、量子效应及其应用等。在国际顶级期刊Physical Review Letters, Nature Communications, Light:Science&Applications, ACS Nano, Optica 等发表学术论文多篇,主持国家自然科学基金项目两项,陕西省科技创新团队带头人。

8   基于光频梳的量子提升测量




会议链接: https://www.koushare.co‍m/lives/room/039817


Measuring the spectral properties of an optical frequency comb is among the most fundamental tasks of precision metrology. In contrast to general single-parameter measurement schemes, we demonstrate here single shot multi-parameter estimation of an optical frequency comb at and beyond the standard quantum limit. The mean energy and the central frequency as well as the spectral bandwidth of ultrafast pulses are simultaneously determined with a multi-pixel spectrally resolved (MPSR) apparatus, without changing the photonics architecture. Moreover, using a quantum frequency comb that intrinsically consists of multiple squeezed states in a family of Hermite–Gaussian spectral/temporal modes, the signal-to-noise ratios of the multiple spectral parameters estimation can surpass the standard quantum limit. Combining our multi-pixel detection scheme and the multimode entangled resource could find applications in ultrafast quantum metrology and multimode quantum information processing.


蔡寅,特聘研究员, 西安交通大学,2016年于法国巴黎高等师范学校LKB实验室获物理学博士。2018年起任西安交通大学电信学部特聘研究员、博士生导师。长期从事量子光学与量子信息的研究,在量子纠缠网络构建及量子信息应用方面做了系统性的研究工作,特别是基于量子光频梳及原子非线性的多模量子纠缠网络构建、调控及应用。近年来,主持国家自然基金2项,在Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, npj Quantum Information等期刊发表多篇论文。

封面图片: Christoph Hofmann/MCQST Cluster

更多报告信息: 中国物理学会期刊网学术讲座列表

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